Conduit. The generative AI revolution brought to an interface. LLM-based text editor, with an intuitive and powerful graphical user interface. Employ an AI assistant to help you write without typing any prompts!

Edit documents as normal:

Run a pre-engineered prompt on a text node, without typing anything:

Combine, edit, rework, and improve the results of your prompts:

View your documents without the clutter of the editor (and avoid accidentally making changes when reviewing):

And that's just the beginning! Check out everything that's to come:

  1. We're open-source, which means no propriety formats! (conduit is built on markdown for storing and editing text).
  2. A completely customisable and modular system to configure generative AI agents for different media.
  3. Run pre-engineered prompts (on a per-document, per-node, or per-selection basis) in rich text files, such as:
    • Summarise
    • Expand
    • Rewrite (in style of...)
    • Create examples
    • Create practice questions/answers
    • Write code
    • Translate
    • Create todos (steps for accomplishing something)
    • Implement received feedback
    • Create/customise your own!
  4. Interaction modes:
    • Edit: Add, update, and remove content with LLM-based text completion.
    • Review: Interact and ask questions about content (to strengthen your understanding, or test your knowledge), alongside a spelling and grammar checker.
    • Present: View an uneditable version of the content you have produced, without an interface getting in the way.
  5. Intuitive interface that provides smooth user experience:
    • Movable, collapsible generated material.
    • Drag and drop to reorder and organise content.
  6. File upload:
    • Run prompts and ask questions about any (part of a) file.
    • Consolidate or summarise multiple files.
  7. Automatically generate notes from, or summarise a conversation had with an LLM.
  8. Collaboration with other users, such as:
    • Edit the same content.
    • Use someone else's document as a base for your new document.
  9. Create automations and 'work forces' to automate content production through the use of LLMs interacting with each other, such as:
    • Create different agents for different tasks, for example:
      • A GPT 'researcher'
      • A Claude 'content writer'
      • An in-context-trained LLaMA as a 'reviewer'
  10. Run pre-engineered prompts on multimedia, such as:
    • Summarise or transcribe audio.
    • Describe what happens in a video.
    • Create a diagram of what is written in text.
    • Create a picture.
    • Do Math with LaTeX.
    • Run code and call APIs.
    • Multimedia functionality will grow alongside the research and industry.